Friday 4 March 2016

The Human Camera


Vocabulary A Convict´s Tale

-A piece of bread

-Hungry or Starring


-They couldn´t feed

-Convict: A person who is in a prison



- i agree-> i agree with you or i am not agree



Vocabulary Second Term

Murder: The unlawful killing of a person, especially when done deliberately

Burglar: The person who commits a thef

Sneeze: to produce air or breath suddenly, forcibly, and loudly through the nose and mouth by involuntary action

Tought: A thing that is very hard to break

Ring up: call on the pone

Criminal: a person that is involving on a crime

Mugger: A person who mugs

Kidnap: to carry off a person by force or trickery.

Lawyer:  a person whose profession is to represent clients in a curt of law.

Monday 5 October 2015


Stumble:to strike the foot against something, as in running, so as to trip or fall
Landmarks:a feature in the landscape or an object in an area that is easily noticed or that serves as a guide, as to ships at sea or to travelers on a road
Gliffs: a high, steep rock face; precipice
Wrist:the part of the end of the arm where it joins the hand

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